Monday, August 30, 2010

My New Chairs Have Arrived!

I've spent what has turned out to be a mega hot day in Granada, searching for a new sewing machine. The search was fruitless, the heat was stifling, my feet hurt and all I could think of during the twenty minute drive home was getting into the pool.
That all changed as soon as I found the post lady had left me a parcel - and I'd been waiting impatiently for this one! Two fabulous retro chairs from Kris Compas. She has a website, and sells on
 I've only recently discovered Kris and her wonderful miniatures but she's already one of my favourite miniaturists, not only is she a talented maker with incredible attention to detail (see the fine piping and the buttons) but she doesn't mind sharing her 'how-tos' and tips.
I did finally cool down in the pool but not until I'd played with my new chairs! Thank you, Kris, so much!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Helping Hands

Going back quite a few years to the early 90s I started making cakes with polymer clay. They turned out well enough for a local dollshouse shop to buy some Valentine, Christmas and Wedding cakes from me. The Christmas cakes had holly and snowmen on top and the wedding cakes had a teeny bride and groom. I didn't know about liquid Fimo, so all the icing was twisted snakes and dented with a pin. Never really happy with the results the clay eventually went into a biscuit tin and I reverted back to mainly sewing.
The quality of miniature confectionery has improved 100 fold over the last few years and I've been itching to get my clay out again. With the help of Linda's tutorial on CDHM I made some broccoli and an artichoke, then last Sunday I made oranges and peel with Hannah's tutorial.
And with a helping hand from Christel Jenson and her DVD I just had a fabulous day making cupcakes!
Thanks for all your help but worry not that I shall become a competitive threat - I still prefer to sew!
(Eat your heart out, Linds, they're not real!)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Room Boxes 2

Going back to the subject of room boxes, here are some photos of the one I made for my elder son. He is now thirty and has twin sons, born earlier this year. When I look at the things in this room box, his Play-doh, toy dog (Woof-woof, no less!), cuddly soldier, knitted by my father and then later, his passion for the guitar, his Marshall amps, his idol, (he wanted to change his name to 'Slash' when he was 14), and I wonder at how quickly the thirty years went. I miss my children, their little voices, the excitement over an outing to London and the cuddles. As they bring up their families and beyond, they can look back and these little room boxes will remind them of their youth.
Wow, that was a bit heavy, I need to make something!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jugs in the Teashop

I've been noticing some really cute jugs/pitchers around lately and found a site which offered a pattern to make them from paper but the site wasn't working. I was really disappointed for a couple of weeks, then, quite by chance I found another site with a pattern! They are such fun to make and the results are very pretty. Here is a photo of one that I've made, on a tray made by my friend Bob which I painted, with some dessert bowls and the finest little spoons I bought years ago at a fair.
Typical of me, I got on a roll with the jugs and now have a few more than I need but I'll soon find homes in my other houses and shops.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Favourite Patchwork

As I've mentioned before, patchwork is my favourite miniature to make. Looking through some of my photos I found one of the first miniature patchworks I ever made and I think it's my favourite. It's in my Victorian house, completely out of place but I think of dollshouses as fantasy and I'm not too precious about details. If I like something, it goes in, within reason!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Human Again!

Just a message to announce that I am still in the land of the miniaturists - but only just. Lack of sleep and the humidity have done their worst and despite all the preventative medicine I take, I have had a round of nasty migraines. Since last week, today is the first that I've felt human, so I have made nothing for a few days, although I've been thinking about it a lot and been feeling very frustrated that I'm 'doing nothing'!
Last week I emptied a bit more of my cabinet and made room for a lovely 1930s three piece suite by Gill Rome. The wooden furniture all made by my dear friend Bob. But, oops bit of an overlook by the photographer - it's a real mirror!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Making Kits

The temperature here has been 39 degrees again today; it's been hot so long I can't remember what it's like to have energy! In the house it was only 29 so after I made up some guest beds for visitors arriving on Friday I set about putting together some of the kits that had been accumulating in my 'to do' drawer. I often buy these from Zena's  or Craft Pack Co. They are quick to do and always so pretty.
Tomorrow is 'dollshouse club' (still just the two of us) so I'm off to bed 'early', it's midnight, but last night I was still awake at 6.20am what with the heat, the crickets, and the sounds from the fiesta in the next town. The Spanish really know how to party! Music and fireworks until morning! I love it, Viva España!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pinocchio's Bed

I mentioned my friend before who makes me all the things I don't like making out of wood. He asked me recently to make him a patchwork for a lady friend of his who has a Pinocchio House. Pinocchio needed a quilt for his little bed and a matching bed for his cat. I had fun finding all the bright fabrics and those with little prints of flowers, hearts and a teddy. The cushion in the cat bed is reversible, with a fish on one side - the cat can choose, depending on his mood!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

Enthusiasm wanes a bit, effort comes in short supply and the conviction that one has done enough to warrant a break comes very easily.
This is how summer makes me feel about housework.

It's hot work mopping floors and I did three today, cleaned the kitchen and baked a loaf. I felt duty had been done and got myself outside and sewed for the rest of the day feeling totally guilt free!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Before and After - Makeover

In a gift shop during a holiday in Tenerife in 2003, I glanced at a box of key rings and my instinct knew they'd become something more one day. I bought the entire box full and this year I decided I needed some bridesmaids for my Ladies Shop. I'd never dressed small dolls before and certainly never wigged one but I enjoyed working on these. Not very professional but very sweet!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Disappearing Cookies!

These gorgeous little cookies didn't disappear, fortunately....... but an identical display of cookies on a glass stand, just like this one was sent to me, here in Granada by Linda of Linsminis but they never made the journey.
How, one might wonder could they possibly go astray with the package correctly addressed to me and with Linda's return address on the back?
Usually, Linda makes only one of each of her creations but on this occasion she copied it and kindly sent me a replacement - which did arrive safely.

Somewhere, someone has a display of cookies just like this one; I hope they appreciate it as much as I do mine.
Thanks, Lin. x