Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last but not Least!

Caterina had to tell me to look in the little bag for another present! Inside was a tiny but perfectly readable Christmas story book with pictures. It's beautifully made and has a jacket too! Thank you again Caterina! X


  1. Enhorabuena, es precioso!!!
    Feliz Año Nuevo!!!
    Espero que se cumplan todos tus sueños!!!
    besitos ascension

  2. Dear Gill, I too have just discovered your blog, what a wonderful tiny emporium!
    I also share another thing with you, I too have twin grandsons. as well as twins myself, my father was a twin, I have sibling twin brothers, my grandmother was a twin...and it continues for eleven generations! We are twin crazy you might say..(smiles) So nice to meet you, and thank you for visiting my blog. Hope to see you again soon.Your minis are wonderful XOXO Christel
